The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Sweet Baby Girl

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My 20 Month Old Baby Girl

I love this little girl. She is my world. I smile, laugh and just watch her all day long. How 20 months passed so quickly is beyond me, but I can say I've enjoyed every minute of it.

Pumpkin shirt and Spider skirt photo shoot! She wasn't really into it....

Busy busy girl! Lots of pictures to look at and games to play!

A few things I want to remember about my little growing girl:

*Sentences - She has mastered three and four word sentences. What continues to surprise me is her sentence structure and use of words. "One more book please mommy." "Last book, word book, night night." While reading her word book, "Macey uses fork." "Macey likes raisins." "Macey play with toys." "Macey ride wagon." "New movie, please." "Hang on mom, hang on." "Hold you moon." (Hold you to anything she sees... in a book or on tv or in real life. "Duckie have a seat." " Macey find the ball." "Travis (our UPS guy) brought this box." "Go Macey Go!" "Macey go backwards." (while she walks backwards...I think Elmo taught her this on Sesame Street.) "Go on bee." "No Sam, Macey's Tiger." "No bee, Macey's."

*Counting - So far, she can count to 10, unassisted. She doesn't recognize the numbers when written yet but she knows their order.

*Singing - She sings all the time. Her favorites are the ABC's, A is for Apple, Baa Baa Black Sheep,Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (all have three have the same tune... maybe that's why she likes them?), Bear is now asleep, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, If Your Happy and You Know It, Mary had a Little Lamb, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonald, Jesus Loves Me... She can sing the ABC's by herself and the rest she sings with us. She gets several more words that I would expect and loves the hand motions. I have to credit Jimmy for teaching her to sing the ABC's and A is for Apple. He sings with her on their nightly walks, bath time and putting on her pj's. Such a great daddy. 

*Third Person - Everything starts with Macey... sometimes she gets hung up on Macey and says it several times before finding the rest of the words for her sentence. "Macey hungry." "Macey watch Street." "Macey go outside." "Macey need cookie." I love the running commentary that she gives throughout the day.

She's so cute.

This is the result of finger painting with daddy... He is very proud of his work of art!

Everyone needed bibs this morning!

* Dance and Piano- At least twice a day, Macey turns on her piano to play the songs automatically. She either goes in circles, "around and around" or gathers her babies (animals) to dance with her. Her newest move that I love is her hands over her head like a ballerina while she twirls. The toddler bounce continues to be a go to move and Jimmy taught her to pat her knees. We watch her dance every evening after dinner and just laugh.

*Animals - Her best friends are Tiger and Duckie.  They go everywhere with her and are her comforts until she gets comfortable in a new environment. They enjoy sliding, swinging and dancing. And the occasional ride in Sam's mouth...

*Recognition - She recognizes her books and calls several of them by name "Word Book" "Christmas" "Arthur." While watching her movie in the car, I had piano playing in the front. She said "Piano. Macey hears piano." What?! When I asked her if she wanted a biscuit for breakfast, her mind was elsewhere. She said, "Papa brought apples. Macey like some apples." She remembers and recalls things that happened in the past, with pretty good accuracy.

Racking leaves with Dada

I love watching her grow. She is learning new things every day and it's so rewarding to see her growth based on things that I've taught her. Being a mom is absolutely the most rewarding job I've ever had. Looking forward to a fun 21st month!


  1. She is sooooo smart! I cannot even imagine all that conversation!

  2. I love how cute I was when I was little like that!
