The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Sweet Baby Girl

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Just chattin' with Daddy

I cannot get over what a big girl my baby girl is turning into! Last night, Jimmy was getting home late from work and Macey kept saying, “Dada home soon” while looking at me with expectant eyes. I decided to call him to see if he would be home before she went to bed. Macey immediately said it was her turn to talk to Dada and she continued to talk to him for 10 minutes! She told him about her felt Christmas tree and her stuffed animals, they sang songs (Ring Around the Rosy, ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes), she counted to 10 and tried to point out some things to him on her play kitchen. I was rolling when she laid down on Bailey’s bed and looked so involved in her phone conversation. I can see her enjoying many many phone conversations in her teen years… and I hope they are all with her girlfriends or her Daddy!

 What I love about these pictures are the genuine smiles. It's so hard to get her to smile for the camera these days. These pictures are her pure excitement over talking to Jimmy. I absolutely love them.

Singing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rosemary Beach Wedding

This past weekend we celebrated the marriage of one of Jimmy's best friends from high school in Rosemary Beach, FL. It was an absolutely beautiful and perfect wedding. Although I'm sure planning a destination wedding was more difficult than planning a wedding in the town where you live, this was the most laid back and perfect wedding I have ever been to. I have no idea how many people were there, maybe 150-200? I wish I had taken more pictures of the set up because it was beautiful.

Two days before we had planned on leaving for the wedding, I realized that I would be by myself with Macey, in a small one bedroom studio at the beach for the weekend. Jimmy had things planned with the groom and his friends for most of the weekend. Of course, I was happy that he would have the opportunity to spend time with his friends, but I had lost my confidence that I could manage a 20 month old by myself in a small living space while I'm 26 weeks pregnant. Just as I had decided to stay home with Macey, Jimmy's parents told us that their friends were no longer able to go with them to the wedding so they would have a four bedroom condo to themselves. How perfect that they could help me with Macey while Jimmy was away AND that we could all have our own rooms?! I'm so glad that it worked out for us to go because it was very important to Jimmy. Whew! Always good to make the daddy happy! :)

It was a COLD weekend at the beach, but at least we didn't get rain! It reached 70 degrees on Saturday afternoon so Macey was on the beach, in her diaper, enjoying the water and sand.

On Saturday morning we walked around Rosemary Beach and found this cute little playground. Macey loved it! I had to run to Wal Mart that morning to get her some warm clothes since I had only brought her one jacket and one long sleeve shirt... oops!

Dancing with Duckie... poor duck took a beating!

Duckie got to swing too!

Big girl swing!

"around and around and around..."
Thankfully the wedding ceremony was very quick and to the point. :) Macey lasted the first five minutes, while the wedding party walked in.

We let Macey dance before everyone else got out on the dance floor. She and Gigi had the best time together! They had some serious dance moves! And I love the below picture of Macey watching the lead singer... this sweet woman was so nice to the girls! It was a great band!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Getting Older

Birthdays have always been fun for me. It's never mattered what I had planned for the day, I was always happy and giddy on the day of my birthday. This is the first year that I've just felt old. 31 sounds so much older than 30 and I actually feel old. Or maybe I just feel pregnant? Either way, I'm slowing down.

We started the celebrations on Friday with dinner at mom and dad's house. It was delicious and topped off by my favorite cookie cake, made by mom. Macey spent the night and most of the next day with them. Sunday, they came back up after church and took us to dinner to celebrate again. It was so nice to spend the evening with them, eating fajitas at Papasitos. :) Wednesday night, Jimmy set up a little dinner with a couple of close friends. It was so nice to talk with two of my favorite girls, Amy and Krissy, while Jimmy and Chris wrangled our sweet babies. Thursday was my actual birthday and I had a wonderful day with Macey. We played outside and ran a few errands before leaving for the beach that afternoon for a wedding.

Overall, I had an amazing birthday week and I felt very loved by my family and friends. If only I were just turning 30 again for the next few years...