The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Sweet Baby Girl

Thursday, July 7, 2011

One, Two, Three

I have so many things to catch up on, since I haven't blogged all year, but today deserves an immediate post.

Macey was in an exceptionally funny and fun mood today. Don't get me wrong, she is a crazy fun kid and we always have fun, but today she was cracking me up just playing by herself. I tried to take pictures of everything she did but sometimes we just kept playing and I didn't race for the camera.

The day started as most days start lately, Macey looking for her "Elmos." They are the highlight of the morning and get lots of attention. She feeds them her milk and walks around the house with them both. One of the Elmos laughs and moves so he is heavy with equipment to make him move. But Macey just hikes him up when he starts to slip and keeps on truckin. Now when Macey sees my camera, she will say "cheese" with a big smile. Maybe that's a sign that I take too many pictures? Nah. We went to story time at the library where they play a song that tells the kids to freeze while the music starts, then it starts up again. It took her a few minutes but she caught on and was a dancing machine. She pulls up her elbows and moves back and forth and shakes her booty... I was crying I was laughing so hard. She was having the best time.

Unfortunately we also had our first real spanking on the legs after defiantly sitting on the hearth after I asked her not to five times. I was amazed how she would look at me as she slowly backed up and sat down. The fifth time she actually gave a half smile before she realized mommy wasn't playing and she got a spanking. It was pretty traumatic for us both but my fingers are crossed we don't have to fight that battle again. Defiance and toddlerhood are tough distinctions. So far all of our "issues" have been more learning experiences and less defiance. Thankfully this was just a small blip in our day.

After she helped daddy cut the grass, we came in for a bath and bedtime. We read several books but ended with Clifford Counts 1, 2, 3. Maybe Jimmy has read it to her lately, but I know I haven't. After the first page she was saying "one, two, three" with enough clarity that I knew the distinction between each number. I am amazed. I think she was too because after reading, we rocked and she kept practicing "one, two, three" in her sweet soft voice.

Sixteen months is by far my favorite age. Her little personality and imagination are incredible to watch. And she is a sponge for learning new words and how to do things. (batteries are her new obsession; pointing to where the batteries go in all of her toys. She helped me change the battery in a flashlight and now she says her version of battery all day. I love it.)

I wish I could pause time and catch up on all of the fun things we've been doing. But, I really need to clean the bathroom before we have our neighbors over for dinner tomorrow night. So, off I go.