The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Sweet Baby Girl

Monday, August 30, 2010

Breakfast at Grandma's House

Biscuits, gravy, sausage, bacon, grits, eggs, coffee... breakfast at Grandmas is not a small event! We met Kimberly and Dad for breakfast Monday morning and ended up spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma is anxious to have Macey crawling but I'm pretty content with my immobile baby! It's nice to sit her on a blanket to play, knowing that she will be on the blanket until I move her. But, I know that she will be crawling soon and walking is in our very near future. I've loved every stage of her little 6 month life, so I'm sure that crawling will be exciting.

Grandpa was such a tease with the scrambled eggs!

Such a delicious breakfast!!
When PaPa is around, we don't need a high chair.We try to always wear a dress and headband around Auntie K... She likes to see Macey looking very girly. I can't lie, I do too. :) Macey has a fascination with touching the face of the person holding her...
I'm still forcing her love for taggie... Thankfully she seems to like it!
Yep, she is getting into a crawling position!
But still prefers to roll around while she plays.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Macey's Baptism/Dedication

What a wonderful day! I could not have asked for a more perfect day for Macey's baptism. Our church service was perfect! An all men's acapella choir sang a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace, Dr. Gil gave the perfect lesson on humility, Chuck led us in a new song, "Father, Let me Dedicate," and Macey was so happy. Both of our immediate families came to help us celebrate, along with my grandparents, Aunt Pam, Uncle Jimmy, cousins Faith and Savannah. Sitting in church with so many people who love us did cause me to get a little teary eyed. I come from an emotionally unstable family so I'm sure I wasn't the only one with wet eyes. I'm so thankful for our families.

Everyone came back to our house for a BBQ lunch. Jimmy smoked 5 Boston Butts all day Saturday and they tasted delicious! We had layered crab dip and cheese balls for appetizers; potato salad, baked beans and BBQ for lunch; and blackberry cobbler and peach cobbler for dessert. Macey was so excited to hang out with her family that she refused to take her nap and finally passed out at 2p, after everyone left.

I would love to have this Sunday happen every week. I'm so thankful for our sweet daughter, our church family, our immediate families and extended families.

Our dear friends, Chuck and Kim Bell

Such a great action shot... Macey LOVES her Auntie K, she was just ready for a nap!

I love this picture of sweet Macey and her not happy face!

Macey smiling at her Great Grandmother... makes me so happy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Doroughs and Veits Come to Town

The weekend of Macey's baptism, the Nashville Doroughs and Veits came to town! Macey had a great time playing with Ben and Charlie, and of course Poppie and Grandma Dorough! Thank you guys for coming and please come again soon!

Can I touch your face?

Soaking up Uncle Chris' face
Playtime with Ben and Grandma Dorough

Charlie lovin' on Miss Macey
A pause in playtime to eat her fingers!

Jimmy smoked the pork all day and was so proud of how yummy it looked!
Thankfully, Jim and Lee stayed late with us Saturday night, getting ready and pulling the pork!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Four Years Together

It's hard to believe that four years ago we were standing at the alter, vowing to be with each other for the rest of our lives. If the next 80 years go by as quickly as the first four, we are going to be old and gray in no time!

Our wedding ceremony was incredibly special. We were married by our pastor, Dr. Gil Watson, at Northside United Methodist Church. My dad's brother, Uncle Roger, sang The Lord's Prayer and I still get tears in my eyes thinking about those sacred minutes. I'm so thankful for the amazing wedding that my parents gave to us.

I love celebrating this day with Jimmy and talking about how we first met, our first date, the proposal, our wedding day and this year, talking about Baby Macey. We have been together for 8 years and I am eternally thankful that God gave me such an amazing man.

I'm sad to say I can not find our professional wedding pictures cd. I haven't given up the search yet so hopefully I will have the cd by our next anniversary! Until then, here are a few pictures that Jimmy's uncle took for us.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Food, Sweet baby and Taggie Blanket

On Tuesday, while Macey napped, I finally cut up, cooked and pureed a butternut squash. It made a ton so I sure hope she likes it! This is my second attempt to make baby food and it was pretty simple. Time consuming but rewarding. It went so well that I bought pears, apples, peaches and peas to try next...

Macey's new thing is turning on her mobile when she wakes up in the morning or from her nap. This afternoon I walked in and saw this sweet face. She can only reach the bottom button so the mobile spins and plays a heartbeat. It's captivating.

Pretty girl!

Taggie blankets are new to me but are apparently pretty popular for little ones. It didn't look too difficult so I gave it a try... I've decided it will be her new favorite blankie. :) I love these sweet pics of her in her diaper.... my sweet little Gerber baby!