The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Sweet Baby Girl

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My funny baby girl

It seems like Macey is learning several new things a day and I'm having a hard time keeping up. What's interesting to me is that she understands words in context, usually. She has understood "no" for several months now and uses it in context when telling Sam to stop eating her toys. She will point to Sam, who is holding her Duck in his mouth, and say "no no" over and over again. Of course, he doesn't take her seriously (or me for that matter) because she will then take the duck from Sam, and try to give it back to him. Playing with the dogs is one of her favorite things to do. She will take their bones from them just to get them to chase her and try to get them back. Macey also likes to stand in front of a dog, turn around, and scoot-squat until she is sitting on/very close to them. Sometimes Bailey will appease her long enough that Macey can lay back on the dog like a pillow. I love hearing her billowing laugh when she "plays" with the dogs.

Since 14 months, she will say "eat eat" when you mention breakfast, lunch, dinner or being hungry. I didn't teach her this so it always impresses me. Her favorite food is cheese and she constantly is asking for it by name. Sometimes she will hold on to the refrigerator door saying "cheese" over and over again. Around 15 months she learned "ice" and has also started hanging on the door saying "ice" until we give in or distract her. She has started putting words together, although simple and not Jimmy's favorite thing to hear... at first it was "no no dada" and now it is "bye bye dada." I guess "dada" is just fun to say because she must say it 200 times a day. "Pa pa" is also a word favorite although I'm hearing "elmo" just as much these days. This week, Jimmy was getting ready to leave and Macey stood in the kitchen with her left hand by her side and right hand waving, saying "bye bye dada." Thankfully he was getting ready to leave, unlike other mornings when she will wake up saying "bye bye dada."

Two weeks ago, we pulled up to the library and I let Macey hold my hand and walk in like a big girl. I was amazed that she held my hand the whole way and walked straight inside the building without getting distracted by the hundreds of things that can be found on the ground at her level. We don't do this often but I think we will be enjoying the slow toddler pace into every store by the end of summer. Which means that I need to slow my speedy pace down and enjoy holding my little buds hand and taking 5 minutes to walk into Publix.

Once we get Macey out of bed and set her down to start exploring, she heads for the kitchen and presses the music on her refrigerator toy. She stands and "dances" by swaying from side to side with her hands closed up in the air and most recently she has added a little twirl. She tries to shrug her shoulders while she dances… apparently I dance with my shoulders more than I knew!
Another interesting thing is her use of the word “back.” I always say “I’ll be right back” or “We’ll be right back” to the dogs. Now, when she is going to leave the room, she says “back.” Crazy kid!

I love you little angel.